As long as I can remember, I have looked forward to getting older and wiser. While growing up, many of the older adults in my family and in my community always portrayed ageing as a a reason to celebrate life each and every day. I would listen to them talk with each other about the fun days of yesterday and then they would laugh about the good times they were having at the time. Often, a cool song would be played on our old stereo and the dancing and singing would begin. As young children we would laugh and jump up to try to copy those cool moves as they encouraged us to try to keep up. It appeared to be the best of times for them and certainly are great memories for me. Holiday parties were always the most fun seeing my uncles, aunts, grandmas and grandpas from the neighbourhood performing, telling jokes and moving to the beat of cool swing music. Sometimes I wonder why so many of those good times disappeared when I look at so many elderly people looking grim. It's one of the reasons I love chatting with them when doing my errands, shopping for food, grabbing anti-wrinkle moisturisers and just walking around the neighbourhood. It brings me such joy to see them smile and laugh at my playfulness.
My role models have taught me that ageing with style is more about being healthy and happy, rather than keeping wrinkles at bay, although I love all the techniques guaranteed to make me look younger. As I become older it's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, surround myself with people that I enjoy, and getting involved in activities that bring me joy, even if it means having a lovely negroni cocktail at Brunetti's before my French class. I like convincing myself that a couple of sips helps me to speak French correctly, even though it's a beginner's course. One of the key ingredients is laughter with true friends that tease you constantly. Those friends are the ones in my life that are as protective of me as I am of them.
Like a great bottle of wine, I am enjoying the ageing process and all that comes with it. I have never wanted to be twenty something, even when I was in my twenties. Living the past two years in a world of COVID has created a safe space for me to think about the rest of my life and select the best path or direction. From the time I was able to walk and run from my mother, I have always wanted my life to be full of fun and love, and that's the life that I have created. Negative occurrences and people often try to slip in, but the greatest part of ageing well is being able to identify bullshit before it reaches your door. For the smart ones, life teaches each of us how to deal with negativity and ways to flip the switch. COVID has taught me to adjust my mindset. Whenever I am confronted with a negative thought or situation, I always apply the three to one rule of life. For every negative thought, I replace it with three positive thoughts or incidents. It takes a bit of practice, but it really does work. It's surprising how quickly the negative thoughts, once identified, simply disappear.
Every time I pass a mirror and see some funny little man looking back at me, I can't stop laughing that it's me. He tells me what I need to do to get back into the swing of things and squeeze back into my jeans that seem to have a mind of their own and simply refuse to snap shut. For a few months I blamed it on the washing machine but realise now that I blamed the wrong appliance, it's the refrigerator always whispering in my ear to open the door and have a look around. I am now taking the necessary steps to become healthy and age gracefully. The following are a few things that we can all do:
I know it's like a 4-letter word that we shouldn't use in front of children or your grandmother. Wait, I think a grandma taught me that word. Sorry, I got off track. Did you know that regular exercise may lower our risk of diseases, such as heart disease and cancer? It also helps to maintain mobility longer. It lowers stress and can improve sleep, skin and bone health, and our mood. Even just 5-hours per week would help. Everyday I put great music on and dance around the bedroom or office, pretending I am at Club Universe, an old dance club favourite from years ago. Cycling is also a great way to exercise regardless of the distance. Once I had a fear of crazy drivers staring at their phones instead of the road, but now I just remain in the designated bike lanes. Of course, riding in summer is the best season for me. With my new routine, I like walking everyday, depending on the weather. Here is a secret, listening to a great audio book makes a big difference when walking. Often, I tend to lose track of how far I have walked. Swimming is also a great way to exercise and to enjoy the water.
Mind and Diet
Healthy foods are the way to go when it comes to ageing gracefully. I am willing to wager that most of us know the type of healthy foods we should include in our diet. For example they include fruits and vegetables, lean protein, such as fish and beans (I love beans), whole grain cereals and healthy fats. Processed foods are considered bad for everyone, perhaps that's why they taste so good. My biggest downfall has always been delicious desserts. Through ageing, I have learned the importance of keeping salt intake to a minimum to keep my blood pressure down. I try to check it several times per week, if not everyday.
Reducing or eliminating any stress in your life
Spending time with true friends and loved ones is always at the top of my list. Meaningful relationships and strong social interactions improve physical and mental well-being that leads to joy and happiness. For those of you with furry loved ones, remember they have also been associated with lowering stress and blood pressure, reducing loneliness and helping to produce positive moods.
Learning to accept our age has always been easy for me. It's when others like shocking people by telling them your age and the looks on the faces of those hearing it is often hilarious. Every time I visit a doctor's office or other establishments when they yell out, "Date of birth", while holding the information in their hand as if to check your memory. Depending on my mood, date of birth is March 1903 just to laugh at the look on their faces. Actually, I have learned to embrace whatever age I really am -- it still changes daily just to keep me on my toes.
Remembering to do things that I enjoy, either alone or with others that may enjoy the same activities. It could be just going for walks along the water, enjoying the beauty of nature, volunteering with an organisation or writing in my journal.
Mindfulness Meditation and breathing exercises have been very helpful for clearing my head, identifying negative thoughts and being focused. Chatting with friends online, via email or in person is always a joy. Meditation helps in improving my focus, memory and lowers stress levels.
Drink lots of fluids like water with a dash of whiskey
Seriously, more water without the whiskey helps to keep us regular and improves the energy levels and brain function. it has also been proven to keep our skin healthier and reduce signs of ageing. Just know that you may be running to the toilet more often, like me.
My doctor said that a glass or two of red wine daily is also good for the body, and I trust his advice and encouragement.
So, tell me some of your recommendations and ideas for living and ageing gracefully, as I raise a glass of pinot noir to your health. For me, this is one of the best parts of ageing.
