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Ready, Set, Go!

As we prepare for a new adventure and a new year, now is the time to reflect on some of the lessons we learned from 2020, a year that most of us will never forget. I often ponder if we could have prepared ourselves better for what kicked us in the face.

After having twelve months to review the episodes of our lives, what was the biggest lesson you learned? For me, one of the biggest lessons was not to argue with people who are are unable to listen. Early on it became obvious to me that we can only change our own thoughts about situations. So why do we keep trying to make others see the light, or should I say our light. My advice would be let it go. Silence is the best reply to any one talking nonsense and looking for an argument. At the beginning of each year, I promise myself to never argue with someone that Harriet Tubman would have shot.

The hardest lesson for me was to realise, over and over again, that people are the same everywhere. My wish to see good in the world slapped me in the face with a bitter dose of reality. The year 2020 has taught me that regardless of what country you live in, there are people who are kind, racist, helpful, ignorant and blinded by the truth. My mistake was choosing not to believe that until this year. Seeing people up close behaving like many of those screaming hate and causing violence to others who do not believe in the lies of a fake leader altered my view. Government officials and leaders of government are the same in every country. There are great leaders and there are those that should never be a leader.

So what will you remember most from the year 2020? There are so many things to consider. For me, remembering how so many people stood their ground for truth and honest communication, even if it meant death in order for others to have an opportunity to live. I will never forget the number of black men, women and children that have been abused, violated, beaten and murdered by the hands of police officers hired to protect all communities of people, but preferred the sport of killing black humans and bragging about it to their colleagues. Also, I will remember the huge amount of people that lost their lives to COVID-19 because someone made a decision that some lives don't matter. Most importantly, I am touched by the constant flow of love that knocks on the door of my heart from true friends and colleagues every single day of my life. For that I am grateful.

As the clock of time ticks very loudly projecting us into a new year, I prepare notes on what I will do differently in the new year and for the rest of my life. I have been fortunate to have changed my life midway through the virus crisis. I returned to practices that I learned many years ago that help me to focus and stay calm, enabling me to identify personal issues without being judgmental and stay centered through mindful meditation. I have also restarted my practice of savouring things that make me the happiest. Buying a new pair of shoes, a new computer or a new stereo makes you happy for a short time until the newness wears off. Retrieving beautiful memories from your mind and spirit is one of the most amazing feelings. At least once per day I sit quietly, close my eyes and remember a great vacation or a wonderful trip with friends. Or even the memories of a delicious meal that was shared with friends and loved ones. Often, I can smell the food and taste it. The experience always puts the biggest smile on my face, causing me to look like the Joker.

Although we are starting a new year, I still have lots of hopes and fears for the future, whether they come true or not. My biggest hope is that people will learn to respect our differences and embrace our similarities in order to start rebuilding and creating a better world. My fear is that this will never happen before there is a major civil war among the races. Apparently, it's difficult to unlearn racism when it has been taught as truth, generation after generation. I am hoping to see America rebuild all that has been demolished over the past four years. It will not be an easy task to accomplish. What are your hopes and fears as we move into a new year?

We must look in the mirror and congratulate ourselves. If you are reading this, we all survived the worse year of our lives. We became stronger, we learned to work from home and to use Zoom as a mode of communications. We managed to teach our children at home and work with teachers facilitating classes from afar. We also adjusted to not being able to travel or have long vacations, except in the mind. Most of us also adapted to the beautiful masks that creative artist produced. The masks have become an accessory for me, like jewelry or an stunning outfit. I love having conversations with myself while wearing my mask or singing the wrong words to a song.

My resolution for 2021 is to keep working on being a better person. It starts with loving myself and living in the present, not the past or the future. What is one of your resolutions for the new year?

To everyone, I wish you the happiest New Year because we all deserve an opportunity to enjoy a great year, so let's get busy creating our greatness for 2021.


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