Life is amazing the way it makes you remember different periods in your life. Sometimes it makes you laugh out loud, makes you cry or simply reminds you of a lesson that you learned a long time ago or one that you are being forced to repeat for the sake of clarity. A couple of weeks ago I watched the film, Bombshell and it took me back to a time when I was young, and early in my broadcasting career. I whispered to myself, "How can I still be feeling pain from their era and why do I still remember it like it was yesterday." Looking back, it was a time that I should not have survived except for the helpful hands of many of the people that worked with me and guided me. I am still in contact with many of them today. Others have left this world, but still whisper to me.
While working in broadcast media for a large San Francisco radio station under the guidance of the late Dr. Julia Hare, a marketing professor at San Francisco State University, Dr. Debra Lowe, picked me as one of her projects. Not sure how, but she saw something in me that I didn't know existed and still wonder what it could have been. She grabbed me and said, "How would you like to teach Marketing and Public Relations in the School of Business at San Francisco State University?" I still remember my blank face thinking, what the hell is marketing and public relations? I lost track of the number of times I said NO but it only encouraged her to keep talking. In an effort to get her to stop I simply said okay, I will give it a try. I can still remember the big smile on her face and the laughter. She taught me more than I wanted to know about marketing. She was relentless and never stopped. Seeing my sleepy eyes she would yell, Shark Attack. Initially she scared me but explained that often people become sharks when they are hungry or need to nimble on something. That was the beginning of my shark training that I have never forgotten to this day. As I confided in her about my frustration working in radio, she started to beam and explained to me everything that was happening in the private meetings of the station. At the time I thought she must be psychic to know so much but then I realised that her years of experience working in radio and television provided her with the expertise to know so much without even being there. Guess what, she was 100% correct in her evaluation of my broadcast meetings and taught me how to answer certain questions that would be asked at the next meeting. Wow!
The lesson began and she had my full, undivided attention. It was explained that there are 4 types of people that I will come in contact with and that it's essential that I learn and excel at shark training. I tried to run, but she saw my face, opened her file cabinet draw and stuck food in my mouth to keep me listening. She went through the various personalities. Get ready.
She explained to me that there are Guppies, Piranhas, Dolphins and Sharks. Guess which one I was? You probably guessed, I was a guppy. Each personality was explained in detail to me. I was the guppy because I always made myself the victim. She would make funny faces and sounds and say in a pitiful sounding voice, " I am a guppy, I am weak, I am bleeding, please, please bite me, I don't know how to fight; help me, help me." Guppies try to hide and escape situations and will do anything to avoid stress or confrontations. Guppies always get bullied. I laughed loud and hard but realised that she had just described me perfectly.
The second lesson was the quickest one. It was on Piranhas. I can still hear her voice saying, piranhas will never be your friend. You can feed them every day and give them everything they want but just remember, one day they will sink their teeth into you. That one scared me, the little guppy.
The third lesson was on Dolphins. She said, dolphins are the happy ones, enjoying life and prone to helping others when they are truly in need. She added, "Dolphins help others to achieve through kindness, peace, generosity and harmony. Dolphins are soul searching, sensitive and dislike unpleasant situations." She added, "They will go out of their way to avoid a negative situation."
And finally she placed more emphasis on the fourth lesson — Sharks. Even today I can hear her saying, "Now I am going to teach you how to act like a shark when needed, but we must be careful that you don't become a shark." I rolled my eyes and the drawer of shark treats entered my mouth. It was explained that sharks don't bit or eat each other. There is a silent agreement and understanding of respect for each other. It was so much fun to watch her become animated in the descriptions. Without pause, she explained, "Sharks are gregarious and have strong social connections, whilst others may be more solitary and prefer to remain inconspicuous." She giggled and inserted, sharks get along with each other, they form groups of connectedness, while some prefer to camouflage and be alone. Sharks support each other as a team.
As part of my training and homework, she sent me home to create lists of people in my life that would fit under the heading of Guppies, Piranhas, Dolphins and Sharks. It was one the best exercises I have ever done. Interestingly enough, I still use those lessons. Today I can walk into a room and within minutes or seconds I know who people really are and if they intend harm on others or sincerely want to help others. My shark training changed my life in broadcast media and I was able to survive for 10 years and that's no easy tasks. Under her tutorship I was able to say things in our broadcast meetings for directors without the urge to want to wet my pants from fear. When I provided her with my followup reports she would tell me what to expect at the next meeting. After 4 to 6 weeks, the media sharks started to pull me in as a baby shark to be protected and trained by them, the best sharks.
Over the years I pondered why I was so fortunate and came to the conclusion that one of my goals in life was to find guppies that had good hearts and the ability to become an authentic leader. I have shared my unusual shark training expertise with many, many young people and some old people and watched their lives spin around for the better. Today, I stay alert and aware of piranhas and they are truly aware of me because they can see the huge teeth come out to take a bite out of them if they are lucky. One of my bosses once said to me, "Mikael, you are like the incredible hulk, protecting the good ones who don't know how to protect themselves yet." Each and every day I give thanks to those in broadcast media who watched over and protected me during that time. Also thanks to those who tried to destroy me for their own gain because it made me stronger, tougher and the person I am today.
Now go and make your list. You will be surprised.