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The Crime of White Privilege

After 7 long months of dealing with COVID-19, a lot of scabs have been snatched off painful bruises from people of all colours and all walks of life from around the world. I am now a believer that the more we pick at sores before allowing them to heal, we increase our chances of infection. This was a rule that most of us were taught as very young children, yet we always had the urge to continue messing around with the sore or continuing to touch the scrap on our knee. Lately, I want to shout out, "Don't touch me," to everyone who keep trying to push my buttons with the primary goal to create a distraction.

Many of my good friends and colleagues have taught me to stop taking the bait that leads to the hijacking of my emotions, causing me to lose focus on what I was working on. I refuse to allow that to happen anymore, although I must admit it's no easy task. Everyday this year and sometimes more than once, someone using their white privilege that they often pretend they didn't know they had, would cause a major distraction or disturbance. Every morning I wake up to a report of a white woman yelling at a neighbour in their beautiful community because a black person shouldn't be allowed to live near them. With the utmost boldness and no fear at all, they question who the black people are, demanding to see proof of their ownership of the house or condo, proof of their identification to prove that they are not robbing the place or stealing the mail because they know all of the neighbours and accuse them of not being residents of that community.

I certainly have my own hopes and desires of what should happen to the white women and men waving their flags of white privilege without any ramifications. It's time for that to all change moving forward. I truly believe that the harassment of black people and any person of colour by fake community do-gooders and liberals demanding answers to certain questions as if they are the authority patrolling the area need to be considered a crime and they should be arrested, charged and fined. This behaviour is no longer acceptable and should not be tolerated. The crazy women and men have been extremely fortunate to choose the right black person to verbally or physically attack. I am pretty sure that I would be the wrong person to address with that type questioning unless they are willing to answer the same questions and show me their paper work. From many of the stories, bullies usually pick on people that appear older, weaker or frightened.

Growing up in America everyone is brainwashed into thinking that racism and hatred is the norm. I am here to tell you that it's not the norm. My entire life was taught under white leadership that if you are African American, you would never be good enough to compete with someone with white skin and privileges, even if they were considered a dummy in education and overall in life. How did we deal with it? Many of us had tough parents that pushed their children even harder to compete and fight to succeed. The glass ceiling on systemic racism was already created in educational systems, corporations, professional sports, medical schools and medical internships, acting in Hollywood, broadcast media, tech industries, law schools, modelling and almost every profession. Many people chose not to fight and were happy to take a simple job that paid the bills and allowed them to live in a poor community to start a family. Many black men and women joined the military in hopes of gaining respect upon their return from war with an opportunity to purchase a home. Many of them were treated worse when they returned home. Many were cheated out of the opportunity to purchase a home or attend college with the promised GI bill. Some of us with big mouths just couldn't stand by quietly, even if we were constantly knocked down, we just kept rising for the next fight that may have been a job promotion, a space in college or a decent apartment in a better neighbourhood.

Seeing people wearing and waving the Confederate flag actually makes me laugh at the stupidity of hate. I wonder how many of them have actually read anything about the Confederate war and flag, or about the devastation of Hitler and what it means to be a Nazi. Apparently it's easy to lead a pack of sheep who believe everything they are being told by someone using the so-called word of the God person wearing white sheets and pillowcases to convince them to hate and murder others. How smart would anyone look with a flag that represents no country wrapped around them with an arm up saluting no one? I hope they are wearing deodorant.

I want everyone to know that this post was not designed to make people feel blamed or guilty for benefitting from inherited systems of racism. Many white people have been taught not to see them. I am fortunate to be surrounded by a mixture of friends of all colours. Many of them with white privileges, use them to take actions to change the system and show others with privileges how to get involved in a variety of different ways to make things better. To all of you who are true fighters and not afraid to use your voice or privileges, I thank you with all of my heart because it's something that most people would not do because of fear. That, I totally understand.

The best part of social distancing and having a lot of time available is being able to think and educate myself on so many topics through readings and watching documentaries.Today I gave a lot of thought and observation to being black in America, although as a child I didn't know there were differences even at that time. As a black person these are some of the things that you have to consider everyday of your life if you want to keep breathing while black in a country that hates you because of the colour of your skin:

  • Moving into a new building may be impossible because of black skin. Most units are reserved for those with the preferred colour of skin. Too many black people in an apartment or condo building may frighten other neighbours.

  • Growing up, always being told that you have nothing to be proud of because of your skin colour.

  • In public schools, black children are identified as stupid, violent, loud and have ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Many are labeled as retarded or a child with special needs.

  • You will never be able to compete in the job market with a white person even though you may be smarter, it's just not acceptable. Learn to stay in your place.

  • If you scored high in a job interview, you probably got the questions in advance from another black person on staff and it will be investigated.

  • If using a check or credit card, alarms will go off in the clerk's head that you probably stole the credit card or the check would be returned due to insufficient funds.

  • When seeing a police officer on the road, there is a high percentage that he or she will pull you over because I may have stolen the car, my auto tags may be expired, I may not have auto insurance or a license, I am probably carrying drugs or using drugs and alcohol while driving. It's always best to never be running late for work or church.

  • If I black man or woman stand up for what's right, they will be labeled as angry black man or woman.

  • I have never been able to go shopping in a department store or pharmacy without being followed or harassed by security guards. It's believe that black people are all thieves.

  • Calling the police for help can be deadly for any black person. You may die.

  • Expect to be harassed by the police in any neighbourhood because of your skin colour.

  • The word "criminal" is a genetic component of racial character. All blacks are considered criminals.

  • Often hear or read that leaders suggest that people of colour, especially those with black and brown skin should be locked up or killed.

  • Most judges in America do not have black skin and will issue harsher sentences.

  • A high percentage of those serving sentences in prison are mostly black or brown people. Many are also innocent of the crimes allegedly committed.

  • Enter a bank or any establishment today wearing a mask because of COVID-19 and watch how people will get nervous and how security guards will touch their guns.

  • Stand behind a white person at the Bank ATM and watch the fear in their eyes. Most black people are thinking about what movie they will watching tonight with family and whether or not to pick up coffee scrolls as a tasty surprise for breakfast.

  • The fastest way to clear an elevator is when a black man enters. White women will hold on tight to their purses and white men watch the each floor light up so they can exit.

  • Standing and laughing with 3 or 4 friends during the day or night in any neighbourhood or office and it's assumed that you are planning to commit a crime.

  • Over the years, television has portrayed black men as criminals and violent individuals. As a result, it has created fear of black people in almost every country in the world.

From all of my studies I have learned over and over again that America was founded on white supremacy. The nation's founders believed in white supremacy and they were not ashamed to say it and make it into law. It's not too late to change and correct all of the manure that has been fed to a group of people that believe they were chosen by someone named God to have the right to take land from people, enslave them, rape them, and kill them if they feel threatened. I am surprised how only now, masses of people are angry and taking actions to destroy statues standing all over the world of racist people once praised as heroes. Apparently it's easier to to get people to believe a lie than to convince them of the truth. Beginning in 1669 a law was created that allowed slaves to be killed for resisting authority, seems like that law still exists in America today. The wording of the laws also permitted slave masters to claim Christian piety in their acts of enslavement. It must never be forgotten that 40 of the 56 signers of the American Declaration of Independence owned slaves. Ten of the first 12 presidents owned slaves too.

Many American cities are experiencing a return of the lynching black people. Recently in Oakland, California, nooses were found in many of the trees as a warning, but I call it a distraction to create fear. It's not working because today we have a new generation of warriors of all colours fighting against racism and hatred. Much like during times of slavery, white supremacists are struggling to hold on to their perceived power over people of colour. During 1860, America had 4 million slaves worth a total of $3 billion of the day's currency. This was the primary reason maintain slavery because it provided the needed resources and proper stability.

All praise to Colin Kaepernick, San Francisco 49ers Quarterback who refused to stand to the national anthem in 2016 because it simply didn't represent him or any black person. Francis Scott Key, who wrote the national anthem was an avowed white supremacist. The third verse of the anthem celebrates the murder of slaves. In 1812, Key saw the Colonial Marines, black slaves who fought for the British in the War, help the British to drive American soldiers back to Washington, DC, and then set it on fire. With all the lying going on in the White House over the past few years, one would think that it would set itself on fire to wipe the slate clean. Key said Blacks were, "A distinct and inferior race of people which experience proves to be the greatest evil that afflicts the community." In my opinion, he sounds like the afflicted one.

I spent many years trying to understand why many white people hated black people. Four years ago I stopped caring if I was liked or hated by white people because once again, it was a distraction from the work I needed to do to be a better person for me. It's important for me to support those in my network, regardless of the colour of their skin. With some people, age comes with a big package of wisdom. I discovered that it's no longer an issue for me if a person hates me unless they are trying to touch me with their hands or hurt me. That is and has always been a game changer for me. Many white people seem to think that blacks are trying to start a war with all the black lives matter protests around the world, but in fact, blacks are trying to end the war on racism and hatred that many countries were built on. A very wise man named Langston Hughes once said, "Negroes are sweet and docile. They are meek, humble and kind. Beware the day they change their mind." After 400 years of watching racist judges, brutal police officers, corrupt lawyers, inequitable human resources departments, medical facilities, biased tech firms, and universities demonstrating how to discriminate, and hate and the encouragement of racism from one of the top offices in America, eventually a young child will learn how to use these negative behaviours to simply return the favour. As Bette Davis said in the movie, All About Eve, "Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night."


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